2D engineering

The image on the right is from a display board made for Cabrillo College's installation at Maker Fair and reused several times since then. A PDF article by Professor Dewdney introducing the Planiverse (2.5Mb download) is available by clicking this link.
Two dimensional engineering, first popularized in Edwin Abbot's 1884 novel Flatland, was brought up to date and given a rigorous scientific treatment by Alexander Dewdney, a Canadian mathematician and computer scientist. He wrote an influential novel, The Planiverse, in 1984 - one hundred years after Abbot's pioneering Flatland - that remains in print. Dewdney also organized two symposia that resulted in diverse papers on the possible biology, physics, chemistry, and culture of a two dimensional universe. A few years aggo Chris Yonge collaborated with Professor Dewdney to turn these symposia into PDF form and the results (each about a 50Mb file) can be obtained on request.